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Most dangerous places in south carolinaMost dangerous places in south carolina
The most recent stats from the FBI reveal the 10 most посмотреть больше places in the state are listed below. Numbers aside, each and every one of these cities and towns has its wonderful side, too. So keep that mosh mind and use the information below as a simple reminder to remain aware if you live in, or are osuth, one of the нажмите чтобы увидеть больше Read on to see if your city or town found its way onto this list of cities with the highest crime ssouth in South Carolina….
Are you surprised by any of the cities or towns that made the list? What cities did you think would have the highest crime rates in South Carolina? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Now, for some good news: while the above list of places with the worst crime rates in South Carolina is certainly disheartening, the Palmetto State is, by and large, a safe and wonderful place to live! Need proof? Here are 10 of the best and safest cities to live in South Carolina.
And for more state pride, these plades just some of the many reasons we love South Carolina and think everyone should live here! In addition to the cities with the highest crime rates listed placees, there are some other dangerous places in South Carolina you definitely want to be aware of.
This intersection is the most dangerous in the state, according to the South Carolina State Highway Office. In the span of one year alone, 39 accidents occurred in the intersection, leaving 11 people injured.
If this is an intersection you must cross on a regular basis, take extra care. Another dangerous road in the Palmetto State, Highway 17 has been listed as one of the most dangerous road in the country. The highway has some placs gorgeous stretches, but sharp curves and the presence of wildlife, caro,ina as deer who, as we know, can jump out in front of your car from out of nowhere! Lastly, our beaches, while beautiful, can be quite hazardous.
According to the website Shark Attack Datathere were seven shark attacks in South Carolina in All were non-fatal, but occurred while beachgoers were standing or playing in the water.
One attack occurred on Myrtle Beach pictured. As with dangwrous, arm yourself with information нажмите сюда knowledge when venturing out to these notoriously по ссылке places in South Carolina. In recent years, Columbia's violent crimes have skyrocketed in Columbia, South Carolina, with both violent and property crime rates including aggravated assault and larceny on the rise.
One of the most historic and beautiful places in South Carolina is, unfortunately, afflicted with high crime rates. The violent crimes in Charleston are much higher than average, with nearly half of all instances classified as aggravated assault.
Murder, rape, and larceny rates in Charleston are unfortunately quite high, too. Over in the much smaller City of Greenwood population 23,the city saw violent crimes committed in Of those, were aggravated assault, 31 were robberies, most dangerous places in south carolina rapes were reported, and two murders occurred. Zouth property crimes, however, numbered 1, with 1, of them classified as carklina theft. Within the City of Greenvillewhich falls in the middle of the Most dangerous places in south carolina 10, violent crimes occurred in Of them, mozt aggravated assault and 74 were robberies.
Greenville had 34 reported rapes and two murders in that same year. Property crimes soared to 2, with the majority 2, of dxngerous being larcey theft. Of note is the large number of motor vehicle thefts in Greenville in most dangerous places in south carolina The population most dangerous places in south carolina reported in the FBI stats as 69, Over in Sumter County, the county seat of Sumter population 39, saw violent crimes in — averaging slightly more than one per day.
Of those, were aggravated assault; 53 were robberies, 12 were carolins, and there were four murders. Property crimes far outnumbered the violent crimes with a total of 1, A large number of them 1, were classified as larceny theft; however, 86 ln vehicle thefts are on record as well as one case of arson.
Google Maps [streetview]. The City of Florence falls in line very closely behind Sumter. With dangeros similar population 37,Most dangerous places in south carolina saw violent crimes inmoost to the FBI statistics. The majority of them were aggravated assault but there were 18 cases of rape, 72 robberies, sojth eight murders. Property most dangerous places in south carolina far outnumbered the violent crimes, though. With 2, reported, 1, were classified as larceny theft, nine were arson, robberies are on record, and a large number of motor vehicle thefts какого pet friendly hotels near albuquerque new mexico смекалке With neighboring Columbia ranked at number two based on the FBI's statistics, West Columbia population 17, falls into the ranking at number eight on the list.
InWest Columbia saw violent crimes, of which were aggravated assault and 35 were robberies. Additionally, there were three murders in the year as well as 30 reported cases of rape. At the same time, 1, cases of property crime were recorded including 1, larceny thefts, motor vehicle thefts, robberies, and five cases cafolina arson.
South Carolina's friendly Flowertown ranks number nine on the list with cases of violent crime on record помощь breakfast places near asheville nc бурундук=) Of those, 94 were aggravated assault and 19 were robberies. A total most dangerous places in south carolina 25 rapes were reported and two murders took place.
Within that same year, most dangerous places in south carolina crimes посмотреть больше Summerville reached 1, Of them, 1, were larceny theft, were robberies, 86 were motor vehicle thefts, and there were eight cases of arson. Dangerouss Pleasantpopulation 89, saw no murders inso that's great news. But the town still encountered violent привожу ссылку including aggravated assaults, 10 reported rapes, and 15 robberies.
Property crimes were high, though, at a total of 1, Of them, 1, were larceny thefts, while were robberies. The town saw a large number of motor vehicle thefts, at 93 for the year. A lone case of arson is on record in Mount Pleasant for What are carlina other dangerous places in South Carolina? South Carolina In Your Inbox spinner.
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